Project Info. Project:2021台灣牛肉麵桌曆 Client:銀海設計 Graphic Design & Illustrator:林慧秋 Chofy Lin
這套桌曆按照月份分為兩部分。上半年對應的是紅燒牛肉麵,下半年對應的是清燉牛肉麵。這兩種也是台灣最常見和最經典的兩種口味。 在桌曆的背面,分別介紹了兩種口味牛肉麵在台灣的發展歷史,讓消費者在飲食的同時,也可以了解台灣經典食物的由來歷史。
This calendar uses the iconic Taiwanese dish ‘Beef Noodles’ as its design theme. The calendar comes in a set of two, one for the braised and one for the stewed flavours, the two most popular flavours of Taiwan’s beef noodles. The back of the calendar introduces the history of Taiwanese beef noodles.
This calendar is designed as a three-dimensional card that can be rotated. Rotate the spoon on the calendar to show the month and pull the chopsticks to show the day of the week. We also used real food bags as the outer packaging to give the consumer a sense of novelty.